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17th Jan,2025 Friday
12:00 noon

Mentorship Programme

Mentorship Programme
Masters Mentorship Programme

It not only provides a platform for all specialized master students of HKU Business School (Mentee) to explore beyond the classroom and gain real-world insight about the industry and careers from alumni and experienced practitioners (Mentor), but also fosters the engaging masters' community with strong connections with professional practitioners. A series of roundtable discussion, mentor sharing sessions and networking events will be delivered throughout the year.

Programme Duration:

Normally 6 months, from November to April.

Mentees’ Responsibilities

•             Take initiative to ask questions in the roundtable discussions

•             Be proactive in participating in the mentor-mentee activities

•             Be respectful, punctual, and courteous

•             Express your gratitude by sending a thank you note to the Mentors

•             Do not contact the Mentors at unreasonable hours

•             Do not expect the Mentors to offer you a job or internship

Mentors Professional Background

-              Accounting

-              Equity Capital Markets (ECM)

-              Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG)

-              Finance and Financial Technology

-              Financial Services Compliance Securities

-              Integration Broker (IB) Technology

-              Investment and Trading Professional

-              Global Management and Marketing Professional

-              Business Analytics, etc.

A mentor is an adviser or a coach providing real-world industry information through different roundtable discussion forums (in the format of World Café design principles). In each roundtable discussion, Mentor is the host of each table, Mentees will be assigned to different small discussion groups to meet with different mentors from varies industry backgrounds. The mentors will provide insight on career development and advice on personal growth. The topics of discussion include employer expectations, challenges and opportunities of specific industries and future trends.

Mentorship Activities

Mentorship Kick-Off Ceremony (2024)

Mentorship Kick-Off Ceremony (2023)

Mentorship Kick-Off Ceremony (2022)

Mentorship Kick-Off Webinar (2020)

Mentorship Activities
  • Mentor: Zenki KWAN (Left)
    Mentee: Yuyu GU (Right)

    As a postgraduate student as well as a newcomer in society, I was confused from time to time. Thanks to Zenki, who is a helpful teacher and a sincere friend, I gradually know what kind of work I want to do and what kind of person I want to be in the future.

  • Mentor: Irene WONG (Middle of front row)
    Mentee: Jiayao CHEN (Right of the front row)

    Irene is a great model for us. The characteristic she has, being professional, responsible and innovation, daring to change, always keeping an eye on the market, and so on, are what we should learn. Her rich experience does inspire us to become a better person in work place and we should never forget to learn something new.

  • Mentor: Cindy CHENG (Second from the left)
    Mentee: Kelly IP (Third from the right)

    I believe this programme can really help me build a long term relationship with my mentor as I know that it’s really hard to find someone out there who are willing to share their experience with me and nurturing the younger generation.

  • Mentor: Kate KWAN (Middle)
    Mentee: Sida HE (Second from the left)

    Dr. Kate's enthusiasm and commitment to work truly inspire me and I feel this is exactly the place where I can contribute, learn and grow. Her passion about music and voluntary work reminds me that our life can be quite colorful and fruitful.

  • Mentor: Bin CHEN (Second from the right)
    Mentee: Alex LI (First from the left)

    The mentorship programme not only allows me to have a close contact with professionals in finance industry and broaden my social network, but also helps me plan my career path. I really appreciate this programme and my mentor.